Welcome, Fabi!
Welcome, Fabi!
The Fabian Grässler welcome part is here.
The Fabian Grässler welcome part is here
After his strong performance at Fast Fingers 21, we added Fabian Grässler directly to the team. He impressed us there above all with his technically demanding tricks, which he brings to the board with a calmness and consistency that few others can match.
Get to know Fabi and check out his part:
When did you start fingerboarding and how did you get into it?
- I wished for and received my first professional fingerboard from my godparents for my 10th birthday. I am infinitely grateful for that to this day.
The first time I met a fingerboard (TechDeck) was six months earlier at my cousin's birthday. That must have been in 2006.
What is your favorite trick?
- nollie flip bs crooks and switch flip bs tailslide
What do you do when you're not fingerboarding?
- When I'm not fingerboarding I like to play drums, do things and play xbox. Oh well, there's work too😅
What is your setup?
- My setup is BerlinWood/Blackriver 33,3mm, Blackriver Trucks 34mm and Blackriver Street Dogs
What is your favorite Blackriver Obstacle?
- og double set (the predecessor to the current stairset)
Thanks Fabi, keep shredding!